
Wilderness Run Vineyards

Wilderness Run Vineyards began as twinkle in the eye of Robert and Denise Pagan as they looked across the farm they had raised their family upon. With the help of their son Harry and lifelong friend Brandon (and many others) they started reclaiming what were once dairy pastures and began planting long rows of vines. After seeing the fruits of their labor and all of the natural beauty of the property, they decided what they had built must be shared.

Wilderness Run Vineyards, has continually set goals for the growth of the vineyard and farm. Every year we have planted an average of an acre of new grapes. The addition of 1781 Brewing Co. on the farm has added to a variety of new beverage options for our patrons. The combination of vineyard and brewery located on our historic property has allowed us to holdfast to our ethos; making the most out of time with family, serving our patrons as they are our family, and giving back to our community.

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