
Yoko Says No

Fueled by jaeger bombs and a love of public adoration, Chris has been singing professionally for more than 2 decades. His passion for music, however, has spanned his entire lifetime. Growing up in a musical household, Chris was exposed to a mix of different genres including, Country, Polka, and Disco. As he got older, his interests expanded to Motown, R&B, and Rap with bands like Guy, Prince, and A Tribe Called Quest on repeat in his Isuzu Amgio tape deck.
In his later years, Chris discovered his own talent for singing after realizing girls found it attractive. His debut was at the King’s Dominion Super Star Recording Studio where he sang When Doves Cry to his then girlfriend. Although the relationship didn’t last, his love of singing did. Chris spent the next few years developing his vocal talent and eventually springboarded his singing career from amusement park attraction to public venues with Yoko Says No, with whom he has been performing since the band’s inception over 20 years ago.

Chris credits his ongoing love of singing to Yoko’s fans, whose enjoyment and excitement give energy to his performances.


Matt loves music and guitars. He plays guitar and sings harmony for Yoko, and occasionally drives the bus. Matt always has music playing in his brain. He got his first guitar at age 13, learning the chords to the Chad Mitchell Trio’s version of “Stewball” the day he brought the guitar home after hearing his mom play the song many times on the home stereo.

Matt also is a songwriter and has twice scored the “One to Watch” designation from the Nashville Songwriters Association International. Matt recorded some of his original songs in Nashville with studio musicians and Chris lending his talents for the lead vocals. (Check out “Banks & Hearne” on all the streaming services).

Matt grew up listening to Waylon Jennings, George Strait, Vince Gill, the Eagles, Boston, Fleetwood Mac, classic rock, real country, Motown, and a lot of other great music from the good ole days. He likes a wide variety of music and artists.

Matt has played in just two local bands over the years, with virtually no interruption, since 1997. He’s been part of the Yoko sound since 2005.


Born and raised in the heart of Michigan, Perry grew up listening to the sights and sounds of some of the most iconic hard rock and metal artists. He always carries around his beloved Telecaster guitar, which pairs like a fine wine with his Mesa Boogie amp.

When Perry is not spending time with the band, he can be found at a local bar enjoying his favorite drink – a moscow mule – or making folded eggs.


Rick first started playing bass guitar in Grade 9, after having previously made his way around the instrument world. Before he found his true calling as a bass guitar player, Rick played bass clarinet, saxophone and piano. He has been in numerous bands since then, playing both covers and original music, and has been with Yoko Says No since its founding in the spring of 2002.

Rick has a diverse range of musical influences, ranging from D. Albion Smalls, Theodore Dennison Jr., Clark Honus and JP Knapp.

Rick first started playing bass guitar in Grade 9, after having previously made his way around the instrument world. Before he found his true calling as a bass guitar player, Rick played bass clarinet, saxophone and piano. He has been in numerous bands since then, playing both covers and original music, and has been with Yoko Says No since its founding in the spring of 2002.

Rick has a diverse range of musical influences, ranging from D. Albion Smalls, Theodore Dennison Jr., Clark Honus and JP Knapp

Eit originally launched before electronic music became mainstream and was a commercial failure. Over the course of the 90’s he attracted a cult following among underground musicians for his affordability, ease of use and idiosyncratic sounds, particularly his deep booming bass drum.


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