
Herb & Hanson

American roots duo, Herb & Hanson, features two songwriters expressing themselves with little more than a guitar, a mandolin, and their respective voices. These restless ragamuffins have performed for audiences spanning the entire country covering 25,000 miles of asphalt, gravel, and dirt every year since 2005. Their blue-collar work ethic is unsurprisingly conveyed through their deft instrumentation hammering along with sweet harmonies sung from an honest day’s labor to bring their modern folk songs alive to modern America.

Herb & Hanson perform songs from Americana’s oldest influences. Incorporating the blues styles of both the Piedmont and Delta regions, the lyrical themes of the Blue Ridge hills, and the Ragtime bounce of America’s oldest cities into their songwriting and live show, this prodigious pair seeks to relay these traditions in a contemporary way for their audience to ruminate.


Vanish Farmwoods Brewery

Fri, 13 Sep, 2024

5:00 PM
